This is a great clip from the best show ever, Seinfeld. Mustaches are clearly a sign of masculinity and every young man should grow one to prove he is no longer a boy. The men in India have it right. Grow one and start acting like a man.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Messing with the Blog
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8:20 PM
Baby Rabbits
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8:15 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
157 Overland now belongs to the Bakers
Today, I sold my house. It hasn’t sunk in yet. I still feel like I need to call a contractor, do some work, make some calls, pay a bill. But, no more. No more mortgage payment, no more property insurance, no more propane bills, no more cold windy nights, no more 2 foot snow storms. The house is in pretty good shape now. But, even so, it was just me in all that square footage, alone, on top of a cold mountain. I need to watch the movie “Cold Mountain”. The most important thing is that this allows me to move back home.
I went to see Girish over the weekend in his new house in West Orange, NJ. It is quite the beautiful house. Enormous, huge kitchen, bathroom in every bedroom and a master bedroom that is more like a NYC apartment. In fact, the master bed is larger than my current apartment. The fireplace sits underneath a 50” Panasonic plasma which we watched the Eagles and Giants on. I won’t comment on who won and who lost. This week, the Eagles will dismantle Eli, Jeremy and “I need a dentist” Strahan.
Tomorrow, TUF 6 Finale is on. It is Mac “The Vegan” Danzig, that’s not his real nickname, but he is a vegan. Versus Tommy “Farmboy” Speers. I’m rooting for Danzig. I like Speers too, but Danzig is from Pittsburgh. Commonwealth of PA is “in the hizzie”. With no championships in Philadelphia in the past 24 years, I need to cling onto anything remotely related.
Kajal will come visit next weekend. We are going to Frasca in Boulder to celebrate the house sale. It’s supposed to be a top notch restaurant. We will also go snow shoeing. Geez, Kajal, I thought I was free from hiking in the wintertime! Guess not!
Bella is doing well. She is a happy dog and loves the snow. It has been snowing a lot lately. I guess I’ll have to shovel my long driveway…..oh wait…..I don’t own the house anymore. Aw shucks!! What a shame!! My buyers are from Boca Raton (literally translated as “Rat’s Mouth”, but actually refers to inlets Spanish sailors would sail into while mice ate away at their ships’ cables). Anyway, they are going from sunny Florida to snowy Jamestown. Their realtor said it was their dream come true, like it was mine 4 years ago. They plan on building a sun room, gutting the kitchen and finishing the basement. Good luck to them.
Posted by
10:34 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
17 Days to Freedom!!!
I have buyers for my house. The closing is scheduled for December 5, 2007. It's a long story, but basically selling this house ranks #6 on the world's all-time list for "Greatest Tests of Patience". I first put the home up for sale in the spring of 2005. Almost three years later, it will finally be gone from my life. I'm trying to focus on the good memories from the house, like the two Halloween parties, the fires, chopping about 5 1/2 cords of wood with my chainsaw. I did have fun working on all the projects, but in the end, the house was too big (I don't have much "stuff")and too isolated to really enjoy. So, life goes on. I love my apartment and my new role at work is coming along.
Tomorrow, I meet Anne, Isabella's new babysitter. Bella enjoys her independence and I think this is the best way for her to spend weekends when I'm not home; in her own bed, with her own food. She is definitely a Russell!
I'm still looking for a part-time job for the weekends. I get off from Saturday morning until Wednesday night, so I have a lot of time. I want to get into something to do with dogs, like a kennel tech, but those jobs are hard to come by. We'll see. I really enjoyed my job as a pizza chef in high school, maybe I can do that again. I also thought about working at Gap, so I could get discounts, but I really dislike retail.
I miss Rob. He's in Iraq while Meg and Katy Rose are in Germany. I hope they are all warm and safe.
Kajal comes in this week for Thanksgiving and then I go see Girish and his new home in December. And then back to the East Coast in December for Christmas.
Posted by
4:29 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Hiking in Colorado
Well, Colorado has one thing many other places don't. Excellent hiking trails. Yes, I've done some good hiking here. Colorado Springs, Jamestown, Boulder, Estes Park, Long's Peak, even Rabbit Mountain in good ole' Longmont. Actually probably considered Lyons, but it's only a 5 minute drive from my apartment. You can never get too much of a good thing, so tomorrow I am planning on going to Blue Lake in Nederland. Actually it's more near Ward and only 10 minutes from my house in Jamestown. It's hard to believe that in 17 days, my house will be sold. Wow. I am so estatic. It's going to rain today or else I'd go today. I will use today to do my 400 lbs. of laundry.
This Friday, I get paid. I have been so careful with my checks up until now and had never really made my home in Jamestown comfortable b/c I was always spending money on projects and if it was up to buying frilly curtains and valences or a snowblower, I would choose the snowblower. With the house now selling, I can afford "comfort" things, like curtains, art, nice dishes, nice clothes, nice blankets, etc. It's not like I couldn't afford them before, just that I'd rather spend the money on improving the house. So, I'm happy about that. I'm going to buy some nice Brooks sneakers, some really nice casual shoes, and some other nice clothes. I like Polo b/c it fits me well and it's expensive, but I think there's an outlet in Castle Rock. I do understand I need to regrow my savings after losing money with my house, but oh well, such is life. My family is healthy and happy, my dog is awesome and I have a really nice girlfriend. That's really what is important.
I never heard from Safeway about a second job. I might just drop it for now. I do enjoy these days off. If I can go for a long hike(s) on my off days, then I would rather do that. I don't like the gym, but need to exercise, so I figure hiking is a good way to do that. It will be cold, yes, but Bella will love it as will I.
The Eagles are 4-5 and my fantasy team, the Phoenixville Crappies, are 6-4. I think the Eagles will beat the Dolphins and have a shot at the playoffs. Here's why. I think they will BEAT the Patriots. Yes, win. The Patriots will lose at least 1 game, why not against a team they should beat. Any given Sunday. It'll be a game like the Colts v. Chargers. Brady will have a bad day, the Eagles will get some lucky breaks and win 20-17. Final predictions:
Eagles 29, Dolphins 20.
Eagles 20, Patriots 17.
Seahawks 34, Eagles 17.
Giants 28, Eagles 13.
Cowboys 31, Eagles 28.
Eagles 23, Saints 21.
Eagles 20, Bills 16.
Final record: 8-8 I doubt that's good enough actually.
Posted by
5:37 AM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
A New Beginning?
Well. After 4 1/2 years of doing virtually the same stuff at work, and having that house in my name for 4 years, I may be close to some big changes. I learned on Friday that I will be transferred to LakeCentre (our Boulder facility). I will have 4 new teammates, a new supervisor, new work (clinical, not commercial), a new schedule, a new town to further explore and a different process to learn. I also have very interested buyers in my house who are SUPPOSED to give me an offer soon. I oan move back to Lafayette, or Boulder, have no more worries about my mortgage payments, and I'll also have Saturday-Wednesday night off. So, plenty of time for a class, or job, or whatever. The point is my life is about to be shaken up and for me, this is a good thing. Hopefully, it will spur me into investing more time into my hobbies (or A hobby) or into furthering my education. Sometimes I think I would get too bored in a class, but other times, I think I need the stimulation. Either way, I won't know until I try. Like Paul Hauck's book says "Don't be afraid to do things. You needn't do them well, just do them." It's good advice for me.
I want to get two bumper stickers. One, "Don't drink and drive". I went out for Del Taco last night, it was rainy and visibility was poor. I could tell some cars which were having trouble focusing, staying in the lane. It was 11 on a Saturday night. Undoubtedly, some of these folks were just having trouble driving in the rain. Others, for sure, were drunk. I have driven while drunk before and had no business being on the road. Now that I quit drinking, I realize how much of a danger I was and how easy and stupid it would be to crash. So, my message probably won't do much to change the world, and it's really cheesy, but if I can save just one life or get one person to think differently, I feel it to be a success. Of course, I will have no way to tell, but what the heck. I also want to get "Peace" or "Relax" or something to that effect. Not that Colorado drivers need that reinforcement, but I guess it would be a daily reminder to myself too. Life should be enjoyed. Life is too short to be angry or bitter. I am trying to get better at enjoying simple things in life. It will take me a long time to get all my angers out, but I feel like I'm maturing to the point where not too much bothers me anymore. Okay, there is still A LOT of stuff that does, but 5 years ago, pretty much everything in this world confused or bothered me. Now, I realize to just let people do what they want, live and let live. I still want to advise people and tell them how they can help themselves, but will no longer get angry if they can't change. I just need to accept people for who they are, all people have flaws and no one is perfect. It is very very difficult for a perfectionist to accept this notion, but I'm getting there.
Well, for being 4 am, I'm pretty awake and alive. I'm excited to sell my house. I think I will buy some nice furniture and a nice TV and maybe even a real bed! I am sick of living like I'm 20, with no furniture, blah blah blah. I want a nice comfortable place to come home to, not a warehouse to sleep in. Kajal knows what I'm talking about. :-) I will SPEND some money on myself for once. I spent all my free money on contractors the past 3 years. All in all, I've put about 20 grand into my house. Just think, if I would have bought a nicer house, I could have my car paid off and 8 grand worth of TVs and furniture by now. Of course, the memories of the Halloween parties and stuff wouldn't have happened either, so like Kajal says, you can't live your life with "what ifs".
I like writing in this blog. I still can't fully tell ALL my thoughts, since this is technically a public forum, but writing has always made me feel better and hence I've been keeping a journal for 17 years. I also need to listen to heavy metal, or good music all the time, something I've been neglecting also. I still have exercise on my mind too. I weigh 227 now, gained a lot of weight in the past year. Life isn't about being perfect at any given time, but human nature is, or should be, about constantly improving yourself. Not necessarily getting more successful or having more money, but improving yourself by kmowing yourself better, and customizing your life to what's right for YOU, not anybody else. Because what I've realized living alone in the middle of the country for 4.5 years, is that you should make yourself the most important person in the world, not anyone else. Take care of yourself first is the only way to be truly happy.
The end.
Posted by
2:58 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Positive Vibes
Today started out very poorly. After getting denied a loan despite a high credit score and good salary, I resorted to using the F word many many times, something I rarely do. Rare for me to even say 1 F word. I went to bank 2 and after the banker telling me she couldn't tell me if I'd be approved based on credit score and salary alone and after trying to "sell" me on a new checking account, switching banks and filling out an app anyway, I got out of there quick. I went home, tired, hot and with no funds. I then spent another 40 minutes on the phone with the credit card company and my banker, trying to dispute my credit "blip". It was a one time $7 finance charge that I didn't bother to pay in 60 days. For that, I'm getting a hard time over a small loan. Unreal. Well, then the day turned. First, paypal cash from Miss D. Then, I slept a nice long peaceful sleep. Then, approval for LOC at my bank (I guess the banked convinced the underwriter (stupid AJ!!)). Then, get to work and find out I'm not in the company's plans to be laid off. Whew. I feel so good now, though I lost a friend in the layoff. :-( For dinner, I had an Italian Chicken sandwich from BK. Good at the time, but not so happy in the stomach now. Work is easy tonight and the Rockies play tomorrow. They beat the Phillies, but they are a humble young team so I have no animosity towards them. Hopefully, Rockies v. Indians in the WS. Also, picked up Jason Wright in FF. Yeah!
Posted by
2:55 AM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Day 2- Bum status medium
Ahhh...being a bum is tough work. I got a haircut today and bought a belt and it took about 3 hours. It was an adventure of a lifetime. It's a long story. People in Seattle are the worst (and most inconsiderate) drivers I've ever seen. Worse than Jersey drivers. I did eat pretty well though. Milt of Milt's BBQ said hello and joked around with us even though Kajal brought in thai curry. My haircut is okay, not great, but it's cut. My belt is cheap, but not nice. I am going to return it and get something nice. "It only takes a few extra pennies to go first class". Tomorrow is the Mariners game, two terrible pitchers, so should be a fun high scoring affair to watch! Tonight, we will visit the hot tub and I will continue to act like a big fat bum. Hopefully, some day soon I will be contributing to society in a productive way. Until then, let's eat, drink and be merry!
Posted by
8:57 PM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Seattle for 10 days
Ahhhh...out to see Kajal for 10 days. Last night we went to "Tulio" a fancy Italian restaurant in downtown Seattle. The food was outstanding. I had Orrichette with spicy sausage and Kajal had mushroom risoto. It was her birthday so we got a warm chocolate cake which was a 10 on the scale. Absolutely perfect and delicious. She seemed to like her presents. I got her a red train, 1000 Places to See Before You Die, a murder mystery and a shell from the ocean. I woke up early today so I'm bored and writing in the blog. I have yet to check the Phillies score. The good news is that the Mariners are in the wild card lead right now, so I have an AL team to follow. Seattle really is a nice place. I can see why so many people live here. Today, my goals are to work out (lift as Young Gary puts it), hit the hot tub and/or pool and rent the boat at 3pm. What a life. I'm such a bum. Okay, all my blogreaders, Mom, Dad, Kajal, adios!
Posted by
8:16 AM
Monday, July 16, 2007
Well, the only person who reads this is probably Kajal, so what's up Kajal? Today for eats, I had Dwight Yoakam's chicken fries. They were delicioso. I bought some Award Winning BBQ sauce, forget which kind, and that went well with the chicken fries. Then, for lunch, I went to Arby's. I got a large roast beef and 8 mozarella sticks. Well, I got rolled. I only got 7 sticks and they forgot the daggone sauce, so I had to do a U-turn and go wait in line while the kid slowly got me the sauce. For dinner, I had Blue Parrot. Got ravioli with a meatball. The meatball and sauce was outstanding as usual, but the ravioli was quite terrible. Cold, light on the cheese, and weird. You're sick. So, then Grant and I went bowling. We wanted to see "Harry 5", aka Harry Potter 5, but my free tickets weren't eligible for it since it's new. We bowled two games, Grant won 104-65 and 107-68. It was the 2 worst games of bowling I've ever had. It was a horrible horrible game. I am going to get lessons or something. I hate being bad at a sport. It's a game largely based on technique, so I can definitely improve. Grant came over and we watched "Dirty Jobs". I can't wait to go back to Philadelphia. Just 2 more weeks! Oh- finally I pulled the trigger on the septic. I'm going to dish out 10 grand to get a new one installed. Sigh. I can't wait until I sell this nightmare of a house.
Posted by
10:04 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Well, I really like this, so I'll probably be addicted for awhile. Today for lunch I had ravioli with marinara, sausage, chicken and tofu from the work cafeteria. It was delicious, but the man making the food was a little too excited and outgoing for me. I tend to by shy and I felt like I didn't want to get involved with the banter. I ate alone again though which stunk.
Posted by
11:20 AM
Day 1- April 24, 2007
Today is the first day of my blog. I don't know much about blogging, but a friend of mine used one to document the birth of his son and it looked really nice. I like keeping a journal of my life, since I have a really bad memory.
This past weekend I went to Antelope State Park on Great Salt Lake. Camped overnight in my Highlander. The brine flies were annoying, but the jackrabbits were nice. Bella certainly loved them. Then we went to Salt Lake City to enjoy the lack of people, lack of nightlife and we noticed lots of men and boys in suit and ties. The LDS Temple was beautiful as were the flowers. We also ate a really nice restaurant called "Cafe Molise".
Now, I'm back home after a 8 and a half hour drive and am tired. Good news is that I'm going to Philly this weekend!
Posted by
9:48 AM